5 unique uses of apple cider vinegar for varicose veins

To get rid of varicose veins, you can resort to drugs, surgical interventions and the use of folk remedies. In particular, the use of apple cider vinegar is recommended, thanks to which it is possible to accelerate the healing process.

Will we tell you how apple cider vinegar works for varicose veins and how to use the product to normalize the condition of the veins? In the arsenal of traditional medicine, there are enough funds based on it, both for internal and external use.

Benefit and harm

The product has a huge number of useful properties, because it is not for nothing that doctors recommend it for treatment.


  • vitamins (A, C, groups B, P);
  • minerals (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper and others);
  • organic acids (citric, lactic, oxalic, acetic, malic).

100 g of the product contains only 18 kcal, while the figure may increase slightly depending on the apple variety.

The action of the remedy is:

  • skin lightening;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • strengthening of the venous walls;
  • elimination of painful discomfort;
  • lowering of blood viscosity;
  • prevention of convulsive phenomena.

The earlier you start using vinegar, the better it will work, but you should take it regularly for at least 1 month. You shouldn't expect a quick effect, because the product is just an addition to the main dish.

apple cider vinegar for varicose veins

Apple therapy will only be effective if used regularly.

The benefits and harms of apple cider vinegar directly depend on the correct use of the product, compliance with dosages and the absence of contraindications.

Therefore, it is necessary to remember the following points:

  1. Due to the influence of acid, burns and erosion of the mucous membranes can occur.
  2. Excessive acetic acid intake can eliminate potassium and cause bone demineralization.
  3. The drug lowers the glucose content, and when taking diabetes medications, sugar can drop to a critical level.
  4. A highly concentrated product has a negative effect on tooth enamel. To avoid this, the bite should be well diluted with water and drunk through a straw.

It is also important to consider: only an authentic product will be effective without various dyes, flavors and preservatives.


Apple cider vinegar for varicose veins of the legs requires a competent approach to use, therefore, before using the product, it must be diluted with water. However, even in this form, it can cause unwanted reactions.

The fermentation product of apple juice should not be consumed orally if:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • liver and kidney pathologies;
  • severe thrombophlebitis;
  • advanced atherosclerosis.

Outdoor use also has its limits.

Vinegar is contraindicated in patients with:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • scratches, wounds, ulcers on the surface of the skin.

Some have an increased sensitivity of the skin of the lower extremities. However, the use of the tool is quite acceptable in this case.

If certain acid reactions occur, the vinegar will need to be diluted even more. As a last resort, you should pay attention to safer methods of therapy.

How to use apple cider vinegar for varicose veins in the legs?

It is best to treat varicose veins with homemade apple cider vinegar. If an apple product against varicose veins is consumed internally, substances that have a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity, enter the body. When used externally, the vinegar ingredients are irritating, improve blood circulation and promote healing.


Apple cider vinegar for varicose veins on the legs can be used as a drink, the recipe of which is given below:

  • vinegar (1, 5-2 tbsp. l. ) must be diluted with chilled boiled water (250 ml);
  • the drink is consumed during the day in 3-4 approaches;
  • the addition of jam, honey or sugar is allowed.

Long-term use of vinegar strengthens the veins, cleanses the body of toxins, improves metabolism and normalizes digestive processes. If heartburn or other ailments start to bother you, you should stop taking the drink.

External use

In the morning and before going to bed, it is useful to wet it with apple cider vinegar, and it is not necessary to dilute it with water and dry it with a towel after the procedure. In addition, the product can be rubbed into the affected areas twice a day with light massage movements.

The use of the product will be more effective if you use apple cider vinegar after water treatments, it is not necessary to rinse it at the end of the session.

Another effective recipe: lubricate each vein with a cotton swab dipped in concentrated vinegar. Manipulations are carried out before bedtime.


This method of treatment differs from tablets in that it does not involve the use of polyethylene.

The procedure is as follows:

  • the fabric is well moistened with vinegar and applied to the affected areas;
  • the duration of the session is 30-40 minutes.

It is recommended to perform 3-4 procedures per week, one per day.

foot bath with apple cider vinegar for varicose veins

For sensitive and irritating skin, apple cider vinegar can be diluted with water and then applied topically.


To relieve the symptoms of the disease, which can worsen by the end of the day, doctors recommend making therapeutic compresses:

  • the bandage is rolled up in 3-4 layers and moistened in vinegar;
  • placing it on areas with veins affected by varicose veins, you should use polyethylene and a towel;
  • it is advisable to lie down during the procedure and place the legs on a small elevation.

Treatment of varicose veins in the legs requires careful handling of apple cider vinegar. Before the session, it must be diluted in equal proportions with water. If you feel dry and itchy, a moisturizer is helpful.


How to use apple cider vinegar for the bathroom:

  • the container is filled with water (5 l), after which vinegar is poured (1/4 cup);
  • to enhance the healing effect, the addition of sea salt, as well as juniper, cypress or mint oils is allowed.

The duration of the session is 20-25 minutes. You can perform 4-5 procedures per week. Baths have an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.

Folk recipes

Often, experts recommend fighting varicose veins with a bee product or vinegar made from grapes. The only condition is the absence of contraindications.

Vinegar with honey

If you add honey to the drink, it will be further enriched with useful elements. As a result, it will be easier for the body to fight the insidious disease. As already mentioned, it is advisable to use homemade vinegar during therapy.

The recipe for the drink is quite simple:

  • mixed apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon), honey (1-2 teaspoons) and boiled water in chilled form (1 glass);
  • consumed before meals in a quarter of a glass.

The effect of drinking will increase if the water is replaced with a decoction of chamomile, rosehip or mint.

Grape vinegar for varicose veins

Does the fermentation product of grape juice help cure the manifestations of varicose veins? Doctors claim that the product does not contain less useful elements and has a sufficient amount of valuable properties. The main thing to remember is that due to the increased strength of grape vinegar, its dosage is reduced.

Use during pregnancy

Is apple cider vinegar combined with pregnancy and how to get rid of varicose veins in a woman who is expecting a baby?

When asking the attending physician how to cure the pathology or how to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, the pregnant woman expects to receive recommendations on how to remove varicose veins without fearing for the health of the baby.

Apple cider vinegar is one of the remedies that can be used in the position.

It not only helps to cope with the manifestations of toxicosis and heartburn, but also weakens the severity of varicose veins. Every woman who has used this product notes positive changes in the state of the blood vessels.

The tool is used as a drink, as well as for:

  • compresses;
  • rubbing;
  • Flushing.

To prevent side effects, vinegar treatment must be agreed with a doctor.


Many patients approve of using apple cider vinegar for varicose veins. As the course of therapy progresses, they notice a decrease in the venous network, an improvement in blood circulation and the disappearance of pain.

Negative reviews often relate to the high cost of the product, the specific smell and allergic reactions when the product is used externally.

Apple cider vinegar treatments serve as an additional method of getting rid of the pathology. To achieve positive results, treatment should be regular and long-term and should not allow for significant progression of the disease.